MathemAmplitudes 2023: QFT at the Computational Frontier

Palazzo del Monte di Pieta'

Palazzo del Monte di Pieta'

Piazza Duomo, 14, 35139, Padova
Hjalte Frellesvig (NBIA, Copenhagen), Ramona Gröber (Università di padova), Daniel Maître (IPPP, Durham), Manoj Mandal (University of Padova), Pierpaolo Mastrolia (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Università di Padova), Tiziano Peraro

The workshop aims to explore the latest developments in the evaluation of Feynman integrals and Scattering Amplitude by applying advanced computer algebra and mathematical methods. 


Recent studies connect Feynman Integrals and Scattering Amplitudes to concepts ranging from Differential and Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Combinatorics and Statistics. Pfaffian Equations, D-module theory, Stoke's theorem, Morse theory, Global Residue Theorem, Systems of linear equations, Finite Fields, Groebner bases, Tropical Geometry, Intersection Theory, to name a few, inspired the development of novel algorithms and software that pushed forward the computational frontier of scattering amplitudes, Feynman integrals, along with Euler-Mellin integrals and GKZ systems. 


This initiative aims at bringing together mathematicians and theoretical physicists, interested in computational aspects of algebraic geometry and quantum field theory with the goal of proposing new, interdisciplinary research directions.


Confirmed Speakers

  • Souvik Bera  [IISc Bangalore]
  • Jacob Bourjaily [Pennsylvania University]
  • Ekta Chaubey [University of Bonn]
  • Seva Chestnov [University of Bologna]
  • Giulio Crisanti [University of Padova]
  • Giuseppe De Laurentis [PSI, Zurich]
  • Lance Dixon [SLAC]
  • Christoph Dlapa [DESY]
  • Matteo Fael [CERN]
  • Claudia Fevola [MPI-MiS]
  • Gaia Fontana [University of Zurich]
  • Federico Gasparotto [University of Mainz]
  • Gudrun Heinrich [ITP-KIT]
  • Martijn Hidding [Uppsala University]
  • Tobias Huber [Siegen University]
  • David Kosower [IPhT-Saclay]
  • Stefano Laporta [University of Bologna]
  • Xiao Liu [University of Oxford]
  • Yan-Qing Ma [Peking University]
  • Andrzej Pokraka [Brown University]
  • Simon Telen [MPI-MiS]
  • Felix Tellander [DESY]
  • William Torres Bobadilla [MPI, Munich]
  • Johann Usovitsch [CERN]
  • Andreas Von Manteuffel [Regensburg University]
  • Mao Zeng [University of Edinburgh]
  • Yang Zhang [USTC, China]
  • Simone Zoia [University of Torino]




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  • Alessandro Sfondrini
  • Andreas von Manteuffel
  • Andrzej Pokraka
  • Anthony Massidda
  • Antonio Masiero
  • Christoph Dlapa
  • Claudia Fevola
  • Daniel Maître
  • Davide Polvara
  • Ekta Chaubey
  • Elisa Balzani
  • Ettore Remiddi
  • Fabio Zwirner
  • Federico Gasparotto
  • Felix Tellander
  • flavio seno
  • Gaia Fontana
  • Giacomo Brunello
  • Gianguido Dall'Agata
  • Giulio Crisanti
  • Giuseppe De Laurentis
  • Gudrun Heinrich
  • Henrik Jessen Munch
  • Hjalte Frellesvig
  • Jacob Bourjaily
  • Johann Usovitsch
  • Jonathan Ronca
  • Konglong Wu
  • Lance Dixon
  • Luca Martucci
  • Luigi Carlo Bresciani
  • Manoj Mandal
  • Mao Zeng
  • Marco Bigazzi
  • Marco Vitti
  • Martijn Hidding
  • Matteo Becchetti
  • Matteo Fael
  • Paride Paradisi
  • Pierpaolo Mastrolia
  • Ramona Gröber
  • Renato Maria Prisco
  • Rourou Ma
  • Seva Chestnov
  • Simon Telen
  • Simone Zoia
  • Souvik Bera
  • Stefano Laporta
  • Stefano Rigolin
  • Tiziano Peraro
  • Tobias Huber
  • William J. Torres Bobadilla
  • Xiao Liu
  • Yan-Qing Ma
  • Yang Zhang
  • Zihao Wu
    • Session: Session 1
      • 1
      • 2
        Welcome Talk-1
        Speaker: Flavio Seno
      • 3
        Welcome Talk-2
        Speaker: Antonio Masiero
      • 4
        Welcome Talk-3
        Speaker: Pierpaolo Mastrolia
      • 5
        Computational tools for amplitudes in full-color QCD
        Speaker: Andreas V Manteuffel
      • 6
        Reduction of symbolic propagator powers in Kira
        Speaker: Johann Usovitsch
    • 10:30
      Coffe Break
    • Session: Session 2
      • 7
        Pfd-parallel and NeatIBP, two packages to shorten rational functions and IBP linear systems
        Speaker: Yang Zhang
      • 8
        Algorithms for computing three-loop Feynman integrals in Higgs plus jet production
        Speaker: William Torres Bobadilla
      • 9
        Differential Equations and Hypergeometric Systems
        Speaker: Seva Chestnov
    • 12:30
    • Session: Session 3
      • 10
        Series expansion of multivariate hypergeometric series around its integer-valued parameters
        Speaker: Souvik Bera
      • 11
        Principal Landau Determinants, part I
        Speaker: Claudia Fevola
      • 12
        Principal Landau Determinants, part II
        Speaker: Simon Telen
    • 16:00
      Coffe Break
    • Session: Session 4
      • 13
        Symbol Alphabets from the Landau Singular Locus
        Speaker: Christoph Dlapa
      • 14
        Mathematical and Physical Structures of Rational Functions in Scattering Amplitudes
        Speaker: Giuseppe De Laurentis
    • Session: Session 1
      • 15
        Feynman integrals reduction using Blade
        Speaker: Yan-Qing Ma
      • 16
        A new method for the reconstruction of rational functions
        Speaker: Xiao Liu
      • 17
        Generalizing Polylogarithms to Riemann Surfaces of Arbitrary Genus
        Speaker: Martijn Hidding
    • 10:30
      Coffe Break
    • Session: Session 2
      • 18
        Adding FUEL to FIRE for Faster IBP
        Speaker: Mao Zeng
      • 19
        Tropical Feynman Integration in the Physical Region
        Speaker: Felix Tellander
      • 20
        Intersection Numbers, Polynomial Division and Relative Cohomology
        Speaker: Giulio Crisanti
    • 12:30
    • Session: Session 3
    • Session: Session 4
      • 24
        Improving Integration and by Building Better Integrand Bases
        Speaker: Jacob Bourjaily
    • 16:30
      Coffe Break
    • Session: Galilean Lecture Palazzo del Monte di Pietà

      Palazzo del Monte di Pietà

      Via Arco Valaresso, 35139 Padova PD
      • 25
        Speaker: Fabio Zwirner
      • 26
        From On-Shell Methods to Solving Scattering in Planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills
        Speaker: Lance Dixon
      • 27
        A Dialogue with Geometry
        Speaker: David Kosower
    • 19:30
      Social Dinner Caffe Pedrocchi

      Caffe Pedrocchi

      Via VIII Febbraio, 15, 35122 Padova PD
    • Session: Session 1
      • 28
        2-loop scattering amplitudes with massive internal particles
        Speaker: Ekta Chaubey
      • 29
        Function bases for canonical differential equations
        Speaker: Simone Zoia
      • 30
        A semi-analytic method for one-scale Feynman integrals
        Speaker: Matteo Fael
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Session: Session 2
      • 31
        IBP Reduction using Gröbner bases
        Speaker: Tobias Huber
      • 32
        Resultants and Difference equations
        Speaker: Stefano Laporta
      • 33
        New facets of pySecDec
        Speaker: Gudrun Heinrich
      • 34
        Vote of Thanks
        Speaker: Antonio Masiero