- Indico style
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- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The aim of this workshop is to bring together physicists interested in effective field theory (EFT) applications to Particle Physics, General Relativity and Gravitational Wave Physics, Turbulence and Fluid Dynamics, as well as in Multi-loop Feynman calculus and Scattering Amplitudes, with the aim of sharing common competences and techniques, thereby enhancing the development of a stronger interdisciplinary interaction across these fields.
Due to Covid-19 break-out, and the recent regulations by the Italian Government, the event will take place in Virtual mode via Zoom.
The Zoom link will be shared with the registered participants.
The conference is jointly funded by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of University of Padova, INFN Padova and the COST action PARTICLEFACE.