24–28 Jun 2024
Centro Culturale Altinate - San Gaetano - Padova (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

M-theoretic Emergence

27 Jun 2024, 16:45
Aula P150 (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti)

Aula P150

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti

Parallel session talk Parallel session


Aleksandar Gligovic


In its original version, the Emergence Proposal states that the kinetic terms of all fields in the low-energy effective action arise from integrating out towers of states becoming light in asymptotic corners of the moduli space. In my talk I want to motivate why the natural home of the Emergence Proposal should be M-theory. I will discuss this idea in the context of a well-known setup, namely the vector multiplet moduli space of type IIA N=2 vacua in four dimensions. For the M-theory limit, one can setup an emergence computation for certain topological quantities thanks to the seminal work of Gopakumar and Vafa. I will demonstrate the computation of the genus-one free energy for the (non-compact) resolved conifold.

Presentation materials