The image of the conference poster has been created by Alessio-B.
Alessio-B is a stencil artist. He creates visually powerful messages of optimism. Inspired by the art of Blek Le Rat and Banksy, he started experimenting with graffiti before discovering stencil art and developing his own, colourful style. Alessio’s works are featured in the URBAN NATION 2018 exhibition, ‘UN-DERSTAND The Power of Art as a Social Architect’.
Hailing from Padua Italy, Alessio-B brings colourful and joyful messages to the streets. Though the big names of the stencil-scene inspired his style, he manages to deliver a very distinct vibe to the art form: references to Italian culture and pop culture (ranging from Mona Lisa to Marco Pantani), and subjects of peace, love, and positivity make his art stand out. Through his work, Alessio-B conveys a refreshingly anti-formalist view at street art, that is undoubtedly also due to the self-taught artists’ past as a graffiti artist.