The poster sessions will be held in the "Spazio Agorà" at the "centro culturale Altinate - San Gaetano" during the coffee breaks and the reception.
List of Contributions:
- Alessandro Borys, "New insights into dark bubbles"
- Leonardo Bersigotti, "Gravitino mass and extra dimensions"
- Robert Pryor, "B-type D-branes in hybrid models"
- Christian Aoufia, "Species scale, worldsheet CFTs and emergent geometry"
- Ahmed Rakin Kamal, "Brane-antibrane inflation with late time modulus stabilization"
- Giuseppe Sudano, "Charge (in)stability and superadiance topological stars"
- Horatiu Nastase, "3-point function of currents for holographic cosmology and monopole non-gaussianities"
- Qinjian Lou, "Massive states in F-theory"
- Valentina Bevilacqua, "Compactifications of type IIA with open strings and gauged supergravity vacua"
- Georgina Staudt, "Investigating the "CRV" pattern"