Padova is a small city in the north-east of Italy, about 20 km west of Venice. Renowned for its historical downtown, which comprises two UNESCO world heritage sites (Scrovegni Chapel and Città Picta), Padova is home of one of the biggest and oldest (1222) Italian universities, famous for its contribution in the field of medical sciences, as well as the teaching chair of Galileo Galilei.

School venue
The school is hosted within the Palazzo della Salute (Palazzo della salute), which is adjoint to the Museum of History of Medicine (MUSME) palace, located in via San Francesco 94 (School Map).

The school fee includes the coffee breaks, and we will try to organize one common lunch or dinner event. In general, for both lunch and dinner, simply strolling around the school venue, or anywhere downtown, will offer plenty o choices, from quick bites to "serious", multi-courses Italian cuisine experience.