5–9 Sept 2022
Park Hotel Villa Fiorita
Europe/Rome timezone

Learning in Holographic Convolutional Neural Nets

6 Sept 2022, 09:30
Park Hotel Villa Fiorita

Park Hotel Villa Fiorita

Via Giovanni XXIII, 1 31050 Monastier di Treviso www.parkhotelvillafiorita.com
Invited Talk Signal processing and photonics Signal processing and photonics


Kelvin Wagner (University of Colorado, Boulder)


We show how the array of convolutional adaptive interconnections needed for deep
learning can be physically implemented and learned in an all-optical multistage dynamic holographically-interconnected architecture using thick Fourier-plane dynamic holographic photorefractive crystals.
This optical architecture is self-aligned, phase-calibrated, and aberration compensated by using photorefractive phase conjugate mirrors to record the dynamic-holographic Fourier-plane interconnections in each layer.

Primary author

Kelvin Wagner (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Presentation materials

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Peer reviewing
