Introduction to Quantum Computing School

Padova 6-10 May
The "Introduction to Quantum Computing" school aims to provide students with the necessary skills to effectively use the emerging quantum machines that have become available in recent years. These machines are constantly evolving and require specialized knowledge to operate. Although their technology is not yet fully mature, it is strategically important for students to learn how to use them early on, as they are fundamentally different from traditional computers. The school covers the basics of quantum mechanics and linear algebra, and then delves into practical and theoretical aspects of popular quantum concepts and algorithms using various available quantum machines. Additionally, there will be hands-on sections using emulators installed on our High Performance Computing (HPC) machines to provide practical experience.
Introduction to different Quantum Hardwares and Quantum Softwares. Linear algebra Recap (Dirac notation, Hermitian Matrices, tensor product, Schmidt decomposition). Postulates of quantum mechanics (Qubit states , unitary evolution, measurement). Quantum gates. Entanglement. Quantum Parallelism. Quantum Error Correction. Introduction to General Purpose Quantum Algorithms with examples. Introduction to NISQ Quantum Algorithms with examples. Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) and Quantum Annealing (QA). Hands-on sessions.
Target Audience
The course is aimed at scientific university students, as well as PhD students and researchers. In principle, anyone who meets the required prerequisites can send a request to participate.
Knowledge of mathematics, in particular linear algebra. Knowledge of python programming. Knowledge of Unix environments. Knowledge of quantum mechanics is not a fundamental prerequisite, even if it represents a considerable help for understanding the topics covered.
Registration is free of charge. There are only a few spots available for in-person attendence but for the rest of the registered partecipants lectures will be streamed online.
Zoom link to follow the lectures in streming:
This school is part of the QCSC Quantum weeks in Padova.
Have a look to the website for the other planned events!

ENGAGE is partly funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND scheme with grant agreement No. 101034267