Experimental Particle Physics

Optical control of polar molecules trapped in ice

by Amar Vutha (Department of Physics University of Toronto)

Aula R (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo)

Aula R

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo


Motivated by the search for new physics using large quantities of trapped polar molecules, we have investigated the optical and radio-frequency spectroscopy of BaF molecules trapped in neon ice at 5K. 

I will discuss our contributions to this area at the intersection of physical chemistry and experimental high-energy physics, describing our work on survey and high-resolution laser spectroscopy, optical pumping of BaF electron spins, and precision measurement of hyperfine resonances. 

I will provide a summary of the future challenges involved in developing these platforms into practical experiments, which could lead to improved searches for the electron electric dipole moment.

Organised by

Giovanni Carugno, Jacopo Pazzini