Experimental Particle Physics

Mu-e scattering: Measuring the leading hadronic contribution to the muon g-2

by Massimo Passera (INFN Sezione di Padova)

1/1-2 - Aula "C. Voci" (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo)

1/1-2 - Aula "C. Voci"

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo


He will present a recent proposal for a new experiment to measure the running of the fine-structure constant in the space-like region by scattering high-energy muons on atomic electrons of a low-Z target through the process μe→μe. The differential cross section of this process provides direct sensitivity to a^HLO_μ, the leading-order hadronic contribution to the muon g-2. Using a 150 GeV muon beam currently available at CERN, a statistical uncertainty of ∼0.3% can be achieved on a^HLO_μ after two years of data taking. From the theoretical point of view, this measurement requires a challenging calculation of the Standard Model (SM) prediction for this scattering process at next-to-next-to-leading order, as well as the development of new high-precision Monte Carlo tools. This independent and competitive determination of a^HLO_μ will consolidate the SM prediction of the muon g-2 and provide a firmer interpretation of the upcoming muon g-2 measurements at Fermilab and J-PARC.

slides are available at the INFN agenda of this event https://agenda.infn.it/event/18521/

Organised by

Tommaso Dorigo