The Compact Muon Solenoid experiment is planning substantial upgrades of its detectors and data acquisition system to fully exploit the physics reach of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider. The higher luminosity, event complexity and readout rate present an unprecedented challenge to the High Level Trigger, requiring a processing power which is orders of magnitude
larger than today.
The speaker will discuss the possibility of addressing this by employing a heterogeneous computing architecture, combining traditional processors with dedicated accelerators like GPUs or FPGAs, and matching each task to the most appropriate architecture.
Finally, the speaker will present the Patatrack project, an incubator for R&D activities within the CMS collaboration aiming to use a heterogeneous computing farm during the upcoming Run 3 (2021-2023), with the goal to improve the physics reach of the experiment and gain the necessary expertise in view of a wider deployment during the High-Luminosity runs at the LHC.
slides are available at the INFN agenda of this event
Tommaso Dorigo
Mia Tosi