This year’s Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to Prof. Giorgio Parisi from University "La Sapienza" for “the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales”. These investigations have been of fundamental relevance in the context of the statistical mechanics of complex systems, dealing with a large variety of different phenomena, from atmospheric turbulences to active matter up to phase transitions in amorphous materials. Applications are to be found at all possible scales, from molecules to the Cosmos, involving the largest majority of the physics phenomena we are familiar with. To celebrate Giorgio Parisi on the occasion of the Nobel Prize award, a series of speeches will illustrate his contributions in this vibrant research field, where Italian physicists play a relevant role.
The event is addressed to non specialists, with special attention to students.
14.30 Flavio Seno (Director DFA), Welcome followed by the Nobel Prize Awrd Ceremony video
14.40 Attilio Stella, Spin glasses: the complexity of disordered systems
15:00 Amos Maritan, Complex systems and emergent phenomena
15:20 Giancarlo Benettin, The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem: an innovative view
15:40 Q&A and discussion
16:00 Concluding remarks
Registration link
Giampaolo Mistura