The 'island of inversion' presents an interesting area in the nuclear chart where the usual shell model schemes are not followed. As the name suggests, there is an inversion in the occupation of the energy orbitals as compared to the normal shell model picture, which results in exotic properties of the nuclei in this region. Since they are weakly bound, the continuum plays a major role in the description of such nuclei. In particular, we would discuss a three-body system 31F and a two-body system 34Na. The Borromean system 31F, which we discuss using a pseudostate approach with a transformed harmonic oscillator (THO) basis, is the last known isotope of the Fluorine chain and has been deemed as a p-wave halo. Similarly, 34Na, analyzed using the post form finite range distorted wave Born approximation (FRDWBA) theory is a vital p-wave halo whose formation rate is crucial to 35Na, the most abundant neutron rich isotope of the Sodium chain.