Nuclear Cookies

SHADES - Measurement of the neutron source Ne-22(a,n)Mg-25

by Prof. Andreas Best (University and INFN of Naples)

Europe/Rome (ZOOM)



The reaction Ne-22(a,n)Mg-25 is one of the two main neutron sources for the production of the heavy elements in stars. While the astrophysical scenario is quite well understood the nuclear physics input for the calculation of the reaction rate in the relevant energy range (Gamow window) is severely handicapped by the low cross section in this range. Direct cross section measurements so far have not been able to reach the Gamow window, necessitating the use of extrapolations using R Matrix methods based on properties of low-lying states in the compound nucleus. Unfortunately also these indirect data are not known with the required reliability, leading to large uncertainties in the reaction rate and the predicted nucleosynthesis outcomes. 

The ERC-funded project SHADES aims to solve this issue by providing direct measurements of the cross section covering the entire Gamow window. This will be achieved by drastically reducing the experimental backgrounds that so far hampered low-energy measurements. By going deep underground to the Gran Sasso National Laboratory the natural neutron background will be suppressed by over three orders of magnitude with respect to the surface. A novel neutron detector array will further suppress the natural as well as beam-induced backgrounds. The new LUNA MV accelerator will provide a high-intensity alpha beam over the entire energy range relevant for astrophysics, further improving the signal-to-noise ratio.

In this talk we give an overview over the project and the planned tasks ahead.


Zoom ID: 94731598859

Organized by

Antonio Caciolli