
"Next generation neutrino experiments at accelerators" SERGIO BERTOLUCCI

by Sergio Bertolucci

1/1-1 - Aula "A. Rostagni" (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo)

1/1-1 - Aula "A. Rostagni"

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo


Speaker: Sergio Bertolucci

September 30th , Aula Rostagni, 3PM

Affiliation: University and INFN of Bologna

Title: "Next generation neutrino experiments at accelerators"



"Neutrino have never ceased to provide tantalizing questions and  experimental surprises, providing possibly the strongest hints of physics beyond the current Standard Model.
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) in USA and the Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) experiment  in Japan, currently under construction, are poised to deepen the investigation of the properties of this facinating particle.
Their wide experimental program addresses  topics like:

neutrino oscillation physics: determination of the neutrino mass ordering and the possible CP symmetry violation in the leptonic sector.  This might provide information on the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, one of the fundamental questions in physics of particles and in cosmology.

proton decay: its observation would be a sensational discovery in particle physics and providing a key point for grand unification theories.

observation of neutrinos coming from the collapse of a supernova in our galaxy: the measurement of the neutrino flux coming from this source would provide unique information about the first stage of the nucleus collapse and on the formation of a neutron star. They could also allow  for the observation of the formation of a black hole.

atmospheric neutrinos.

Moreover, in consideration of the large statistics, they will provide the most comprehensive set of measurements of neutrino induced reactions and will be sensitive to several signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model."

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Elisa Bernardini

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