New Seminar Management System
The rich and heterogeneous research activity carried out at the Department of Physics and Astronomy is completed with an intense series of seminar events at national and international level. The seminar activity is organized by the various professors of the Department, by the research groups, by the students enrolled in the Doctoral Schools in Astronomy and in Physics, and by the research bodies with which the Department collaborates, in particular INAF and the INFN.
Since 2021, the DFA seminar alert system has been standardized and is managed through INDICO. Here are some brief practical information.
- Seminar commission: (A. Caciolli, P. Cassata, M. Doro, P. Mastrolia, M. Tosi; R. Chiaratti, V. Mezzalira)
- Reference web page:
Quick instructions:
- Registration to INDICO: registration to INDICO is not mandatory, unless you intend to create and manage seminars or events of various kinds. Registration must be done by entering Name and Surname, institutional email (@unipd for DFA teachers and fellows) and the reason for insertion (for example theoretical seminar managers)
- Seminar Entry: Seminars are entered by managers. Seminars must be entered by creating a new 'Lecture' event (not Meeting or Conference) and correctly inserting all fields. In particular, the 'Speaker' field must be inserted with the details on affiliation and email. If in doubt, ask
- Alert mail: currently a daily reminder is distributed at 7.30 in the morning and a weekly reminder at 13.00 on the previous Friday. Given the existence of pre-existing mailing lists, it was decided to keep them. Therefore, the alerts are currently sent to, and the list that we maintain from now on: