Seminari INAF

Chemo-dynamical View of the Milky Way in the era of large surveysAstroparticle constraints from primordial galaxy formation with the James Webb Space Telescope

by Dr Gyuchul Myeong (University of Cambridge)

Sala Jappelli (Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova)

Sala Jappelli

Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova


Chemo-dynamical View of the Milky Way in the era of large surveys

Recent advancements in large scale astronomical surveys have introduced a new era for Galactic archaeology. 
The combination of quality astrometric (Gaia) and chemical (e.g., APOGEE, GALAH) data provides us with a rich hyper-dimensional dataset up to ~1.5 billion stars, including the full six-dimensional phase space information and a variety of chemical abundances. 
Coupled with recent computational developments on numerical methods for dynamical analysis, we can construct an effective arena for chemo-dynamical study of our Galaxy. 
Understanding the Galaxy’s formation/evolution and the governing physical process will help us to better understand the current LCDM picture in the galactic scale. 
With our chemo-dynamical approach, we study the Galactic assembly history and the origin of Galactic components as well as their associations, which involve a major Galactic merger event that vastly reshaped our Galaxy.

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Giuliano Iorio