
Before and after chatGPT: chances, changes, and opportunities of large language models in research

by Prof. Dirk Hovy (Bocconi University)

1/1-3 - Aula B (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo)

1/1-3 - Aula B

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo


We have all come to realize recently that there is a before and after ChatGPT, the algorithms created for the new large "language model". This is especially true for the fields of AI, CS, Data Science, and ML, but in other ways also for social sciences, humanities, and industry. Many of these changes are relevant to the work we do, and LLMs will change it forever.


More Info: https://www.aisociety-unipd.it/2023/05/15/before-and-after-chatgpt-chances-changes-and-opportunities-of-large-language-models-in-research/

Organised by

Samir Suweis, Andrea Pin