03 Aprile 2023 Discussione finale della tesi di Dottorato in Astronomia dei dottorandi del ciclo XXXV 9:30- Zhang Yanrong - High Energy Emission Mechanism in Mode Changing Pulsars 10:30 - Santoliquido Filippo - The evolution of compact objects and their host galaxies across cosmic time 11:30 Pianta Camilla - The role of binaries in the structural evolution of star clusters and dwarf galaxies 12:30 Torniamenti Stefano - Unveiling the dynamics of young star clusters and their black hole population Pausa 14:30 Estrada Nicolas - The galaxy density field as a tool to determine cosmological parameters and characterise galaxy evolution 15:30 Valerin Giorgio - Expanding the sample of Electron Capture Supernova candidates 16:30 Buttitta Chiara - Bar rotation rate: a tool to probe the formation and dynamics of barred galaxies link zoom: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/83907943221?pwd=NkJrcFFseG4vbm9EM1Zmb3J0bU03UT09