High Energy Experimental Astrophysics Seminars

The United Nations Open Universe Initiative: Open Space Science data for Development

by Ulisses Barres de Almeida (Centro Pesquisas Fisicas Brasil)

Aula Rosino (DFA)

Aula Rosino



The Open Universe Initiative, proposed by the Government of Italy to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS) in 2016, and which now counts with the formal support of several other nations and scientific institutions worldwide, is currently under implementation by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA). The Initiative’s main objective is to provide ample access to space science data with the purpose of improving space accessibility and development through science, and to bridge the gap between advanced and emerging countries in the space sector, thus helping to democratically spread the benefits of space exploration around the globe. The Open Universe Initiative aims to achieve these goals by fostering international cooperation between nations, under the auspices of the United Nations and COPUOS, through collaboration of institutions from the space and academic sectors which are producers of scientific data on space. From the technical side, the Initiative is already working on various fronts to generate software and data products for increasing the accessibility and usability of space science data by all, including for education, thus aiming to impact on the Sustainable Development Goal #4 on Quality Education. In this presentation I will present the motivations, historical development and the current status of activities of the Initiative in its various fronts, from the process of its formal implementation to the international collaborations already in place, as well as the technical / educational actions currently in development by the various actors actively involved in the project. I hope the presentation will motivate more people and different groups to join in and contribute to the Open Universe.

Organised by

Michele Doro