Dr. Gabriele Spada (University of Trento), Phase separation in binary Bose mixtures at finite temperature
1/1-2 - Aula "C. Voci" (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo)
1/1-2 - Aula "C. Voci"
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo
Luca Salasnich(University of Padova)
The experimental realization of quantum-degenerate mixtures with ultracold atoms has provided a new platform to investigate novel phenomena such as combined mass and spin superfluidity, non dissipative spin drag, and
Bose-enhanced magnetic effects. From a theoretical point of view, such systems are usually studied at zero temperature and/or with perturbative techniques. I will present a numerically exact path integral Monte Carlo method that allows one to compute the free energy and the chemical potential of repulsive bosonic mixtures at finite temperature. Using this tool, we obtain convincing numerical evidence against the presence of the temperature-driven ferromagnetic phase transition predicted with perturbative methods. This scenario is relevant for the experimentally realizable mixtures
of spin-up / spin-down sodium atoms, for which we give precise estimates of some key thermodynamic quantities.