For more than one hundred years, the Physical Review (PR) journals have published cutting-edge research in physics from scientists all around the world. More recently, Physical Review X (PRX) was launched to become a high-profile venue to publish a small number of *landmark* high-impact papers from all areas of physics.
One of the distinguishing features of PRX and the entire PR family is its rigorous peer review process, which the editors strive to make as fair, thorough and timely as possible. In this talk, after introducing PRX and its editorial philosophy, I will explain how the review process in the PR journals is structured, what its purposes are, and how it is meant to benefit the scientific community overall. I will then provide some concrete tips and advice on how to write a good paper and prepare a submission for one of our journals, as well as on how to write a convincing response to the referees. Finally, I will describe what being a referee entails, and give some suggestions on how to write a high-quality referee report.