Seminari INAF

Binary neutron star mergers and GRBs: a long-awaited connection

by Dr Riccardo Ciolfi (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova)


Binary neutron star mergers and GRBs: a long-awaited connection


The August 2017 binary neutron star merger event was accompanied by a short GRB, ultimately providing the smoking-gun evidence connecting the two phenomena. In this talk, I will briefly recap the main steps leading to such a discovery, emphasizing a specific contribution of INAF-OAPd in collaboration with an international team, which just received the Aspen Institute Italia Award 2022. Then, I will give a sketch of the most important open questions and the ongoing effort to address them at INAF-OAPd.


The seminar will be in Aula Jappelli and on line:

with google meet