AstroSat/UVIT view of hot stellar populations in massive Galactic globular clusters
Massive Galactic globular clusters harbour many stars which are bright in the ultraviolet wavebands. These hot stars exist in various stellar evolutionary phases, such as blue and extreme horizontal branch, post-horizontal branch, blue stragglers, white dwarfs etc. Most of these exist in the late stages of evolution, which progress relatively fast. The knowledge regarding their formation scenarios and evolutionary pathways is thus limited. In this talk, I will discuss how we used the excellent capabilities of AstroSat/UVIT, combining it with other datasets from HST, Gaia and ground-based telescopes to uncover the peculiarities of the hot stellar populations in the massive Galactic GCs, Omega Centauri and NGC 2808.
The colloquium will be held in presence and online in "Sala Jappelli"
Daniela Bettoni