Seminari INAF

The Hydra I cluster of galaxies as seen in the low-surface brightness regime

by Dr Enrichetta Iodice (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte)

0/0-3 - Sala Rosino (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio ex-Rizzato)

0/0-3 - Sala Rosino

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio ex-Rizzato

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The Hydra I cluster of galaxies as seen in the low-surface brightness regime


In this talk I would like to present the study of the Hydra I cluster, at z∼0.012, which is a target of the VST Early-type galaxy Survey (VEGAS). The observations of the cluster were obtained at the Very Large Survey Telescope (VST), using the Omega-CAM instrument, in the SDSS g- and r-bands. Deep images allowed to map the galaxy structure out the regions of the stellar halos (down to mu_g~28 mag/arcsec^2), to detect the diffuse intra-cluster light components and the population of low-surface brightness (LSB) galaxies (i.e. dwarfs and ultra-diffuse galaxies). In particular, we studied how the LSB galaxies are distributed in the cluster, in order to map the mass assembly of the Hydra I cluster. We discovered that galaxies are grouped in substructures in different regions of the covered cluster area. The non-uniform spatial distribution of galaxies supports the conclusions of Arnaboldi et al. (2012); Lima-Dias et al. (2021), for which several small galaxies are falling through the cluster core, feeding the cluster mass assembly process. This study motivated a spectroscopic follow-up with MUSE@VLT, which has been approved a large program in P108. This project will be also presented in my talk.



The colloquium will be held in presence and online in "Sala Rosino"

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Organised by

Daniela Bettoni

Paolo Cassata