Why multiplicity matters: the fundamental role of (high-order) multiple stellar systems in stellar and planetary formation.
Surveys of star-forming regions show that most young stellar systems contain two or more stars. The typical forming stellar system is thus far from what we are used to observing in our solar system. That is why constraining the impact of multiplicity in the formation of planets and stars is fundamental. On the one hand, multiple stellar systems are more challenging to study, both from an observational and theoretical point of view. On the other hand, they provide a probe to investigate the initial condition of the regions in which they form. In this talk, I will discuss the role of multiplicity in the modern theory of stellar and planetary formation. I will focus on protoplanetary disc dynamics and accretion phenomena around systems with more than two stars and how they can help us better understand the processes that lead to the formation of the stars and planets population we observe nowadays.
Daniela Bettoni