Obscuring tori in active galactic nuclei: observations and simulations
The recent paradigm of AGNs is to explain the differences between type I and II by the different orientation of an optically thick torus relative to the observer. The dynamics of the dusty clouds in such a torus was unclear due to the relative small scale of these objects. The unprecedented resolution of ALMA has recently allowed us to improve significantly the information about dynamics of clouds in the obscuring tori for some AGNs.
On this ground, we present our N-body simulations of the toroidal structure of clouds moving around a supermassive black hole (SMBH). We also apply ray-tracing algorithm to take into account effects of obscuration of the central engine by the clouds. As the final result, we obtain the velocity and temperature maps which allow us to interpret the VLTI and ALMA observations. We also estimate the SMBH masses in the nearest Sy2 galaxies and provide a new explanation of the counter-rotation of the torus in NGC 1068.
The colloquium will be held in presence and online in "Sala Madonna"
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Daniela Bettoni