High Energy Experimental Astrophysics Seminars

A single photoelectron calibration system for the MSTs of CTA

by Biasuzzi Barbara (CEA, Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers, Université Paris-Saclay)

1/3-13 - Sala 313 (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti)

1/3-13 - Sala 313

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti


In order to reduce the systematic uncertainties in the energy reconstruction of γ-rays detected with Cherenkov telescopes, a single photoelectron (SPE) calibration system has been designed to measure with high accuracy the gain of the photodetection chain of the NectarCAM camera of the MST (Medium Sized Telescopes) of CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array). The SPE calibration system allows in-situ measurements of the SPE spectra via a complete scan of the 1855 photo-multiplier tubes of NectarCAM. The design and the performances of the SPE calibration system will be presented.

Organised by

Alessandro de Angelis