Dr. Giacomo Bighin (Heidelberg University), An impurity in a heteronuclear two-component Bose mixture.

1/3-1 - Sala R (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo)

1/3-1 - Sala R

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Marzolo

Luca Salasnich (University of Padova)
We study the fate of an impurity in an ultracold heteronuclear 
Bose mixture, focusing on the experimentally relevant case of 
a 41K-87Rb mixture, with the impurity in a 41K hyperfine state. 
Our work provides a comprehensive description of an impurity in 
a BEC mixture with contact interactions across its phase diagram. 
We present results for the miscible and immiscible regimes, 
as well as for the impurity in a self-bound quantum droplet. 
Here, varying the interactions, we find novel, exotic states 
where the impurity localizes either at the center or at the 
surface of the droplet.
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