Speaker: Laura Ferrarese
Affiliation: National Research Council of Canada,
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre
Date: 9 June 2022 – 3 PM Aula Rostagni, Zoom webinar, Youtube
Title: Galaxies at the extreme
Registration is mandatory to follow the colloquium in presence.
Indico link: https://indico.dfa.unipd.it/event/335/
Zoom Link: https://unipd.link/ColloquiumDFA-09-06-2022
YouTube Link: https://unipd.link/AulaRostagniUniPadovaDFA
Abstract : Understanding galaxy evolution -- how galaxies change over time and what processes are responsible for the variety of properties and structures we observe in galaxies today — remains one of astronomy’s most active fields, involving massive efforts, both theoretical and observational. In this talk, I will focus on one piece of the puzzle: the study of the wide diversity of galaxy properties — structure, kinematics, and stellar population — in a specific environment: the Virgo cluster. Based on a panchromatic, deep, and complete census of the galaxy population in Virgo, I will focus on “galaxies at the extreme”: ultra compact dwarfs, ultra diffuse galaxies, compact ellipticals. I will discuss their connection to galaxies belonging to the main galactic sequence, and what these seemingly unusual objects can tell us about the formation of the galaxy population as a whole.