Status of the mid-infrared imager and the single conjugate adaptive optics for METIS.
ABSTRACT: We present an overview of the IMAGER and the SCAO subsystems of METIS, emphasizing their optical design, their current status, some of the technologies that are being used in the optical solution and the prototyping activities.
METIS, the powerful Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), has successfully passed its Optics Final design review this July, 2021.
The main METIS science goals are the detection and characterization of exoplanets and the investigation of proto-planetary disks and the formation of planets.
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie is the second largest consortium partner in METIS, it is responsible for the IMAGER and the Single-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (SCAO) subsystems and holds in addition three key roles within the METIS consortium: the Instrument Scientist, the SCAO Lead and the Thermal Lead.
The IMAGER sub-system includes two science cameras for the LM- and N-band providing diffraction-limited imaging at 3-13 microns with a field of view of approximately 11"x11" . The imager also provides low/medium resolution slit spectroscopy as well as coronagraphy for high contrast imaging and a pupil re-imaging capability.
The SCAO module is a Pyramid adaptive optics system instrument in the range 1.4 to 2.4 microns. This single-conjugated adaptive optics will be a cryogenic instrument, working in the infrared, the first of his kind.
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Daniela Bettoni