17 September 2021
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti
Europe/Rome timezone

Using Phyphox and Arduino to enhance learning in lab practices

17 Sept 2021, 17:15
1/3-13 - Sala 313 (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti)

1/3-13 - Sala 313

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Edificio Paolotti



Giovanni Organtini (Univ. La Sapienza, Rome)


Abstract #3

Last semester, during the Mechanics Lab course, we regularly used smartphones as measurement tools in both remote and in-person exercises. The experience was very positive in many aspects. We will report on it and its outcomes, and we will discuss possible strategies for an even more proficient usage of smartphones in physics. We also briefly mention our experience with Arduino.

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