6 SETTEMBRE 2021 9.00 Akerman Nina, Simulating ram-pressure stripped galaxies with different wind angles 9.15 Borsato Edoardo, Study of a sample of strongly lensed galaxies identified with the Herschel Space Observatory 9.30 Dall'Amico Marco, GW190521 formation via three-body encounters in young massive star clusters 9.45 Dondoglio Emanuele, Multiple Populations in Globular Clusters. Exploring the Horizontal Branch and the Very Low Mass stars. 10.00 Giunchi Eric, A high-resolution imaging of 6 GASP ram-pressure stripping galaxies with HST 10.15 Mantovan Giacomo, Validation of TESS candidates orbiting Solar-type stars 10.30 Mohandasan Anjana, Photometric Binaries in Galactic and Extra-Galactic Star Clusters 10.45 Peluso Giorgia, Exploring the AGN-ram pressure stripping connection pausa (11.00 -11.15) 11.15 Salmaso Irene, Strongly-interacting Supernovae 11.30 Sinigaglia Francesco, Galaxy Formation and Evolution and Large Scale Structure with HI: paving the way to 21-cm line and Lyman-alpha forest upcoming surveys 11.45 Viale Ilaria, Multiwavelength and multimessenger studies of extragalactic candidate neutrino emitters: from data to models 12.00 Volpato Guglielmo, Upgraded population synthesis tools for the next generation of PARSEC tracks 12.15 Buttitta Chiara, Structure and dynamics of barred galaxies 12.35 Estrada Martinez Gilberto Nicolas, From core to filaments: galaxy evolution on large scale structure outskirts at intermediate redshift pausa (12.55 -14.30) 14.30 Pavan Andrea, Short gamma-ray burst jet propagation in binary neutron star merger environments 14.50 Pianta Camilla, Binaries and dynamical mass inflation in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies and open clusters 15.10 Santoliquido Filippo, The cosmic merger rate density of compact objects 15.30 Schiappacasse Ulloa Jose', Report II: Characterization of Stellar Clusters in the Era of Big Data pausa (15.50 -16.05) 16.05 Torniamenti Stefano, The evolution of star clusters from turbulent molecular clouds and their binary population. 16.25 Valerin Giorgio, Low Energy Core-Collapse Supernovae 16.45 Zhang Yanrong, Pre-glitch Radio State Changes of PSR J0742-2822 17.05 Squicciarini Vito, The environment of the BEAST stellar sample: detection of multiple formation events inside Upper Scorpius through kinematic analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 SETTEMBRE 2021 09.00 Baratella Martina, The chemical composition of very young open clusters 09.40 Cordoni Giacomo, Galactic Archaeology. From Multiple Stellar Populations in star clusters to Extremely Metal-Poor stars. 10.20 Mazzi Alessandro, CMD fitting of large areas of the sky pausa (11.00 -11.15) 11.15 Munaretto Giovanni, Study of volatiles on planetary surfaces 11.55 Romano Michael, Lighting up the dark side of the Universe: new insights on the galaxy build-up through the ALPINE survey -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------