Quantum Seminars

Finite-temperature critical behavior of long-range quantum Ising models

by Mr Eduardo Gonzalez Lazo (SISSA)




Zoom link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/367589168

Abstract: Quantum models with long-range interactions, already of great theoretical
importance, have recently seen direct realization in cold atom experimental
setups, further increasing their physical relevance.

In this talk, I will discuss my study of the ground-state and thermal
properties of a paradigmatic example of this kind of Hamiltonian: namely, the
one-dimensional quantum Ising model with ferromagnetic interactions
decaying as
the power $(- \alpha)$ of the inter-site distance.

Via the use of numerically exact, large-scale path integral Monte Carlo
simulations, I investigate the critical behavior of this system, focusing in
particular on the nonzero-temperature regime (in which several fundamental
questions remained open) for moderately- ($\alpha = 1.50$) and
strongly-long-ranged ($\alpha = 0.05$) interactions.

Besides being immediately relevant for the understanding of the
properties of long-range interacting quantum models, both my universal and
non-universal results are of direct interest for state-of-the-art
realizations of these Hamiltonians, especially in the yet essentially
unexplored $\alpha < 1$ regime.

References: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.15070

Organised by

Simone Notarnicola - Quantum Theory Group