The aim of the LUNA collaboration is to investigate nuclear fusion reactions via direct measurements. These reactions influence the nucleosynthesis of our chemical elements in the earliest stages of the universe, as well as in stars, neutron star mergers, supernova explosions and other astronomical objects by controlling the associated energy production, neutrino luminosity, and their overall evolution. Due to the vanishing cross section at these comparatively low astrophysical energies, the investigations are performed deep underground at the LNGS to shield against potential background components.
The collaboration started in 1991 with a homemade 50 kV accelerator. Since 2001, we are running a 400 kV accelerator and last year a new 3.5 MV machine was installed at LNGS. This presentation will give a brief introduction into nuclear astrophysics and illuminate selected past accomplishments. Furthermore, we will focus on ongoing campaigns and also have a look at future investigations.
Denise Piatti and Franco Galtarossa