Quantum Seminars

Lucas Kohn - Efficient simulation of quantum systems coupled to finite temperature macroscopic environments using MPS

by Mr Lucas Kohn (PhD student @ SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati)




In reality, no quantum system is truly isolated from its environment.
However, taking into account macroscopic environments is generally challenging
for theoretical calculations. Special assumptions such as weak coupling
between system and environment allow for simplifications by tracing out
the bath, leading to so called Master-equations, which can be solved more easily.
However, phenomena like the Kondo effect require the environment to be taken into account explicitly.
In this talk I will discuss how macroscopic environments at finite temperature
can be simulated efficiently using Tensor Network techniques[1],
with applications to dynamical mean field theory, open quantum systems and non-equilibrium phenomena.
For fermionic systems I will show that the entanglement growth during non-equilibrium dynamics
can be significantly reduced by exploiting a counterintuitive ordering of the MPS sites,
which allows for much longer simulations at lower computational cost.

[1] Kohn L. and Santoro G. E., https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.01424 (2020) and references therein

Zoom link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/367589168