Seminari INAF

Laura Bassi series - Green valley galaxies and the role of AGN in galaxy evolution

by Dr Mirjana Povic (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute, and Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)

Online event

Online event

Green valley galaxies showed to be very important for understanding the quenching of star formation, morphological transformation of galaxies from late- to early-types, and galaxy evolution across cosmic time. Most of the X-ray detected AGN have been found in the green valley in optical, suggesting that AGN might be responsible for stopping the star formation in galaxies. This picture however becomes more complex when we use multiwavelength data, and is in contrast with FIR studies where recently it has been seen that active galaxies in the green valley have enhanced star formation rates in comparison to inactive ones. This talk will give an overview of the green valley selection criteria, properties of green valley galaxies and the role that AGN could have in galaxy evolution. It will also highlight the use of J-PAS data and survey spectrophotometric properties in the studies of green valley galaxies.


You can find more information about program, speakers and detailed connection info here:

The colloquium will be held online


Organised by

Daniela Bettoni

Paolo Cassata