Rotating metrics and new multipole moments from scattering amplitudes in arbitrary dimensions
Claudio Gambino(Sapienza Università di Roma)
Title: Rotating metrics and new multipole moments from scattering amplitudes in arbitrary dimensions
Abstract:In the context of recovering General Relativity from scattering amplitudes, stationary vacuum solutions of the Einstein equations correspond to a 3-point graviton emission from a massive source. In this seminar, I will extend this program to obtain rotating metrics in arbitrary dimensions from a spinning point particle. In D=4 we recover the vacuum Hartle-Thorne metric, of which the Kerr geometry is a particular limit, confirming the known result that black holes are minimally coupled to gravity. In D=5 we compute the Myers-Perry black hole and the singly rotating black ring metric, proving that in D>4 black holes are not minimally coupled to gravity. We link this fact to the discovery of a new tower of multipoles in higher dimensions, the “stress” multipoles, that are non-vanishing in D>4 and must be fixed to recover specific solutions.