Esame finale di dottorato 05.04.2024 Ciclo XXXVI 9.00 DALL'AMICO MARCO -The impact of chaotic dynamics and binary evolution on the formation of compact binary systems 10.00 GIUNCHI ERIC - Star Formation in Young Stellar Clumps of Ram-Pressure Stripped Galaxies as seen by HST 11.00 MANTOVAN GIACOMO - Exoplanetary parameters of the youngest compact multi-planet system TOI-5398: a journey from validation to characterisation 12.00 MOHANDASAN ANJANA - Photometric Binaries in Magellanic Cloud Star Clusters 14.00 PELUSO GIORGIA - AGN fraction and metallicity in clusters and field: the role of ram pressure stripping 15.00 SALMASO IRENE -Death of massive stars in a multimessenger perspective 16.00 VIALE ILARIA - Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies of blazars as candidate neutrino emitters 17.00 VOLPATO GUGLIELMO -The Impact of Pulsation-driven Mass Loss and Rotation on the Evolution of Primordial Very Massive Stars