Theory-Lunch Journal Club
Massive Gravity Theories in 3-Dimensions
Sadik Deger
Bogazici University, Istanbul
Friday 22 Mar 2024, 14:30
I will first explain a systematic way of constructing massive
gravity theories in 3-dimensions which are free of scalar ghosts such as
"Topologically Massive Gravity" and "New Massive Gravity". Then, I will
focus on the so called "third way consistent" models whose primary example
is the "Minimal Massive Gravity" (MMG). Field equations of such models
cannot be derived from a standard action principle of the metric alone,
yet they are still on-shell consistent. MMG is distinguished by the fact
that around one of its Anti-de Sitter vacuum both bulk and boundary
unitarity can be achieved unlike most other massive gravities. I will show
how MMG fits to the construction described at the beginning and discuss
some of its properties and extensions. (Talk is based on: arXiv:1909.06305,
arXiv:2002.07592, arXiv:2109.04339, arXiv:2312.12387.)