Seminari INAF

The Galaxy Baryon Cycle: Gas, Star Formation, and Feedback

by Alice Concas (ESO Garching)

Sala Jappelli (Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova)

Sala Jappelli

Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova


The formation and evolution of galaxies are governed by the continuous flow of gas in & out of the system. Galaxies accrete fresh gas from the environment, convert it into stars, and release enriched material into the ISM via stellar winds, supernovae explosions, and AGN feedback. I will present multiwavelength observational studies aimed at characterizing the galaxy baryon cycle and test galaxy formation models. In particular I will focus on (1) the connection between cold gas, dust and star-formation activity, exploiting the synergy between millimeter observations and optical spectroscopy (e.g., the ALMAQUEST survey), and (2) the demographics of multi-phase galactic outflows at both low and high z, using optical and NIR spectroscopy (e.g., the KLEVER survey).

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Antonino Marasco