Water Cherenkov detectors are playing a crucial role in neutrino physics, gamma-ray astronomy, and cosmic-ray research. Recent studies have shown that utilizing multiple small area photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in a compact structure instead of large area PMTs to detect the Cherenkov radiation emitted by particles moving faster than the speed of light in water can improve detector performances. In Napoli, our group is working on the design and optimization of a hemispherical module containing several 3" PMTs, named multiPMT, for potential use in water Cherenkov detectors of the future Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO). MultiPMT devices offer cost-effective and high-performance advantages compared to large-area PMTs. By dividing the signal among multiple PMTs, the requirements on electronics for maximum rate and dynamic range are reduced. The enclosure housing the PMTs also accommodates the electronics and allows for easy access in case of maintenance. The directional capabilities of multiPMT modules could prove beneficial for shower reconstruction and discriminating gamma-ray initiated showers from background noise caused by hadrons.
Michele Doro