Seminars of Gruppo 3
A new cycle of seminars as a "spin-off" of the well-known Nuclear Cookies. The idea is to focus in particular on the research activities of the different groups belonging to the Commissione Scientifica Nazionale 3 of INFN ( in the Padova-Legnaro area and stimulate the interchange between researchers from different fields of Nuclear Physics. To this aim, we will organize seminars on a monthly basis given by speakers belonging to the different experiments of Gruppo 3 of PD-LNL (e. g. ALICE, GAMMA, LUNA, ASFIN, etc.) and, when possible, by guests coming from foreign institutions. The seminars are intended to be accessible by a large audience of Nuclear physicists and will possibly contain a "didactic" introduction to facilitate the participation of everyone, including early-career researchers. We aim at creating an informal atmosphere where questions and scientific discussions are encouraged.